
Online Access to Medical Records

As of 31st October 2023, all patients have automatic access to their full medical records online. Some people may have valid concerns about the safety of their full personal medical records being made available online on smart devices.

If you do not want access, please contact the surgery by calling 01332 680520 or send an email to ddicb.c81068-reception@nhs.net.

You can change your mind at any time.


Reach Domestic Abuse Support Centre is a new service that provides multi services for agencies and victims of Domestic Abuse

Telephone: 01283 212 088

Website: www.reachdomesticabusesupport.org


Sexual Abuse Rape Advice Centre is a charity based in Burton upon Trent offering free independent and one-to-one emotional support, information and advice.

Telephone: 01283 517 185

Website: www.sarac.org.uk

Derby Women's Centre

We aim to empower women to be more independent. We have evolved from humble beginnings to become a leading provider of support services for women in and around Derby.

Telephone: 01332 341633

Facebook: @DerbyWomensCentre

Twitter: @Derby_Women

Website: www.derby-womenscentre.org.uk

Email: zahraj@derbywomenscentre.co.uk

Karma Nirvana

Award-winning British charity supporting victims for 25 years.

Telephone: 0800 5999 247

Facebook: @karmanirvanauk

Twitter: @KNFMHBV

Website: www.karmanirvana.org.uk

Email: info@karmanirvana.org.uk

Stop Hate UK

Stop Hate UK provide Hate Crime reporting services in your area.

Facebook: @Stop.Hate.UK

Twitter: @stophateuk

Website: www.stophateuk.org

Email: info@stophateuk.org

Cross Roads Derbyshire

Established in 1979, Crossroads Derbyshire (previously Glossop Women’s Aid) has been supporting women and children suffering from domestic violence for more than 35 years. They have recently started to support men in an Outreach capacity.

Telephone: 0800 0198 668

Website: www.crossroadsderbyshire.org

Email: admin@crossroadsderbyshire.org

The Elm Foundation

The Elm Foundation provides a range of services to help and support women, men and children who are affected by Domestic Abuse.

Telephone: 01246 540 464

Text: 07377 400279

Website: theelmfoundation.org.uk


The Core website has been created to support victims of crime, giving people access to the different types of help they may need from just one place. The aim is to ensure that every victim of crime or anti-social behaviour has access to the best possible support service.

Telephone: 0800 612 6505

Website: www.core-derbyshire.com

Email: support@derbyshirecore.org

Good News Family Care

Good News Family Care (Homes) Ltd. (GNFC) is a registered charity providing a safe-haven, for women and children affected by debilitating circumstances such as domestic violence, homelessness or substance abuse.

Telephone: 01298 24761

Facebook: @gnfc.org.uk

Twitter: @GNFamilyCare

Instagram: @GoodNewsFamilyCare

Website: www.gnfc.org.uk

Email: mail@gnfc.org.uk

Mankind Initiative

Helping men escape domestic abuse.

Telephone: 01823 334 244

Website: www.mankind.org.uk