Appointments not attended by patients in February 2025
159 appointments not attended = 37 hours
159 appointments not attended = 37 hours
Dr C Sin will be retiring from the practice on the 31st March 2025. Dr K Smith will be retiring…
We would like to remind patients that Smoking and Vaping are not permitted on our premises.
From the 1st of April 2025, Dr. K Smith has decided to step down as a practice partner. He will,…
Doctors’ rota Please view the below attachment to see which sites our clinicians work at each day:
Catch it. Bin it. Kill it. Stop the spread of flu germs. Use a tissue, and wash your hands thoroughly….
Some inhalers contain harmful greenhouse gases which are released into the atmosphere if not disposed of safely. Ask about switching…
UKHSA The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) recommends some simple steps to help avoid winter bugs. To learn more about…
To keep patients safe, when there are no more appointments at the surgery, our care navigators will help direct you…
Please be aware, our appointments slots are 10 minutes, therefore please think about the below before attending your appointment and…