National Data Opt-Out Policy

Sharing your records: your personal information

Information about you is used in a number of ways by the NHS and social care services to support your personal care and to improve health and social care services for everyone.

The NHS Digital (NHSD) is the national NHS organisation with a legal responsibility to collect data as people make use of NHS and social care services. The data is used both at a local level and nationally to help with planning, managing your care, supporting research into new treatments, identifying trends and issues and so forth, and is used to try to make services better for all.

You can, however, choose not to have information about you shared or used for any purpose beyond providing your own treatment or care.

Your right to opt out

You can choose not to have anything that could identify you shared beyond your GP practice (Type 1 objection). You can also choose for the NHSD not to share information it collects from all health providers any further (previously known as Type 2 objection, now National Data Opt-out).

If you have previously told your GP practice that you don’t want the NHSD to share your personal confidential information for purposes other than your own care and treatment, your opt-out will have been implemented by the NHSD from July 31 2022. It will remain in place unless you change it.

You can find more information about how the HSCIC handles your information and choices and how it manages your opt-out on the HSCIC website

National Data Opt-Out Form