NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) brings together the combined expertise of 116 local GP practices to commission health services on behalf of over 1,055,000 patients in Derbyshire. Our vision is to continuously improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Derbyshire, using all resources as fairly as possible.
At its simplest, commissioning is the process of planning, agreeing and monitoring services. However, securing services is much more complicated than securing goods and the diversity and intricacy of the services delivered by the NHS is unparalleled.
Commissioning is not one action but many, ranging from the health-needs assessment for a population, through the clinically based design of patient pathways, to service specification and contract negotiation or procurement, with continuous quality assessment. There is no single geography across which all services should be commissioned: some local services can be designed and secured for a population of a few thousand, while for rare disorders, services need to be considered and secured nationally.
Our vision is to continuously improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Derbyshire, using all resources as fairly as possible.
We will do this by:
- Providing local clinical leadership to the NHS, and working with everybody who can contribute to our aims
- Being open and accountable to our patients and communities; ensuring they are at the heart of everything we do
- Understanding our population and addressing inequalities so that services are in place to meet needs
- Planning services that best meet those needs now and in the future
- Aiming to secure the best quality, best value health and social care services we can afford
- Using our resources fairly and effectively
For more information please visit the Derby and Derbyshire ICB website.
Phone (general enquiries)
01332 981601