The practice has adopted a number of measures to ensure the safety of all of our patients:
- Being open
- Whistleblowing policy
- Clinical guidelines
- Infection control
- Audit
- Discussion of significant events
- Staff appraisal
- Staff training
- Drug alerts
‘Being open’
We encourage our staff to be open about difficulties and problems within the practice both with each other and with patients.
Whistleblowing policy
We have a ‘whistleblowing’ policy and has asked and encourage all of our staff to raise any concerns about their working conditions or patient safety with their line manager or a senior member of the practice staff.
Clinical guidelines
The partners have available to them up to date guidance on all areas relevant to the safe, evidence-based care of patients.
In particular, the key guidelines produced by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, the Royal Medical Colleges or bodies such as the British Thoracic Society are available on each computer terminal at both surgeries.
The practice has a regular programme of audit which covers all areas of our activity including the appointments system, record keeping, complaints and clinical care.
These results are circulated to the relevant members of staff and discussed at meetings as to how improvements can be made.
Significant events
At our education and training meeting our clinical team discusses significant issues we have had regarding an clinical aspects of patient care during the previous period.
The purpose of this is to determine how we need to improve our service to you. At least once each year all of our significant events are audited to identify common themes and trends.
Staff appraisal
The doctors are all appraised externally each year and are all working towards re-validation with the General Medical Council as being fit to practice.
All members of staff are appraised annually to review performance during the year and to identify training needs.
Staff training
All members of staff receive annual resuscitation, basic life support training and training in anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) management.
The Practice may close up to nine afternoons each year to allow all the staff to undertake training together.
Prescription clerk
We have two PCN Pharmacists and a Practice Prescription Clerk who work with the whole multi-disciplinary team ensure our prescription of medicines is in line with best practice.
Drug alerts
Members of the clinical staff and our practice manager are registered to receive drug alerts from the MHRA. These alerts are circulated to relevant staff on a daily basis.